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Friday, November 6, 2009

Freedom and Happiness

Happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstances - unknown

Freedom is not merely the opportunity to do as one pleases; neither is it merely the opportunity to choose berween set alternatives. Freedom is, first of all, the chance to formulate the available choices, to argue over them - and then, tha opportunity to choose. - C. Wright Mills

* "Freedom is not what we achieve from others but from our silent heart"

"Freedom means to bring love & peace everwhere"

"The actual freedom is made of noble thoughts of a man"

"Freedom spread its wings where the silence flows"

"There are no bad thoughts, where the freedom dances"

"Those who love freedom they do not invite the war"

"A man who is trapped due to fear, he can never see freedom around"

"Freedom is wonderful & beautiful"

"Freedom never put anybody in chains"


happiness, is when you get a new puppy

happiness, is when you have something and you can share it with others

happiness, is making your own decisions
happiness is being proud of who you are

happiness, is glowing
happiness, is fun

happiness, is an amazing feeling
happiness, is when you smile all day

happiness, is giving someone a hug just because you can
happiness, is that light in your eyes

happiness, is what makes the world go around
happiness, is when you are with your family and friends

happiness, is when you are able to help others
happiness, is when you learn something new

source: CGCS monthly information bulletin Nov 2009

Understanding Character

A lot of times, we hear people talk about someone as a man of character. Other times. someone might described as an unreliable character. Sometines, we hear them reffered to as quite a character!

When people begin to talk to about charcter, there could be a dozen different shades to their tone. They might be sounding impressed, awed, disgusted, frightened, amused, bemused or a combination of these reactions.

What exactly is a character? The dictionary would tell you that it is, basically, an attribute or a quality that defines a person. This means that you are defined by a certain set of habits, qualities or attitudes and these form the basis upon which your character is judged.

Character can have positive or negative associations. For instance, when someone is called a man of character, the unsaid adjective is a positive one. It means that he is ethically and morally upright and can be trusted.

When someone is just a character, it means that he is unique. He could be funny,awkward, interesting or rediculous. But he has a strong distinctive personality that sets him apart dfrom others.

Every attribute of you goes into the bulding of your character.If someone were to describe YOU as a character, they would take into consideration all aspects of your personality, including your physical appearance, your social habits, your psychological reactions and other people's perception of your strenghts. In fact, the last aspect - other people's perceptions of your character - is what goes into giving your reputation, whether positive or negative.

Author Anne Zaidi. Copyright 2004.